Parent Title I Documents
Early College High School (ECHS) is dedicated to the success of our students. The faculty and staff believe that all parents are education partners. School personnel believe that parent involvement is essential to the success of their children.
The ECHS administration shall work in collaboration with teachers, parents and guardians to actively support the faculty and the parents to enhance parent involvement by:
- Respecting parents as partners in the education of their children.
- Setting high expectations for excellent customer (student/parent) service
- Expecting high student achievement for all students
- Promoting parent involvement in site-based leadership and decision-making
- Fostering a welcoming and responsive environment for all parents
- Establishing regular communication via phone calls & Parent Square
- Continuing to employ a Community-Parent-Teacher liaison to strengthen parent engagement
- Establishing communication as a source of trust and understanding between the staff and parents
- Training parents how to access and use Parent Self-Serve and Parent Square
At ECHS, we expect parents/guardians to be involved in their children's learning and education by:
- Taking the initiative to seek the best educational opportunities for their children
- Respecting the teachers and supporting the staff as partners in the education of their children
- Utilizing two-way lines of communication between parents and the staff on the instruction, achievement and conduct of their children
- Participating in site-based leadership and decision making
- Actively volunteering at school.
- Proactively access Parent Square and Parent Self-Serve to monitor student academic progress
Opportunities for Parental Involvement
The ECHS administration will facilitate parent involvement by providing opportunities for parents to be informed, communicate with the staff and be active participants in the education of their children.
Parents have the opportunity to stay informed and communicate with the staff. The list below are channels that provide important information for all parents.
- School notes and/or pertinent documents in English and Spanish
- Parent Self-Serve online tool and Parent Square
- Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook
- Home-School Compacts
- Parent Teacher Conferences **translators provided
- ECHS Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
The parents, faculty, and staff have the opportunities to interact by attending:
- PTSA meetings and events
- Meet the Teacher Night (Open House)
- Bi-annual mandatory parent meetings (August and January)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Monthly parent meetings with the Principal
- Special Programs (i.e. FAFSA Night, Bellringing, Thanksgiving Feast, Field Day, Awards Day)
- Volunteer Program(s)
- Spring Picnic in April, Parent-Student-Staff Book Clubs
- 9th grade Sunrise Breakfast and 12th grade Sunset Dinner
Parents’ input is valued at Early College High School. Parents have the opportunity to be a part of the decision making process at our school through:
- Campus Improvement Committee (CIC)
- District Representatives on Committees
- C-FB Community and Campus-based surveys
- Conferences with Administration
This School Parental Involvement Policy has been developed jointly and agreed upon with parents of children participating in Title I, Part A programs, as evidenced by members of the Campus Improvement Committee.
This policy was adopted by Early College High School on May 27, 2021 and will be in effect for the period of one school year. The school will post this policy (on the school website and in the building) to all parents of participating Title I, Part A children on or before August 10, 2021. It will be made available to the local community on or before August 10, 2021. Early College High School’s notification to parents of this policy will be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provide a copy of this policy to parents in a language the parents can understand.
High Achievement for Each Student
The purpose of the parent-school compact is to communicate a common understanding of home and school responsibilities to assure that all students attain high standards and a quality education. This agreement is a three-way partnership with a specific goal in mind. It is important that each person assume his or her responsibilities. We, the Early College High School community, establish this commitment in order to foster the core values of honesty, integrity, respect, trust and responsibility and to support the success of each student.
Early College High School personnel pledge to:
Believe in our students and celebrate their efforts and successes.
Help each child reach his/her highest potential, socially and academically.
Follow the school district’s instructional plan to ensure each student’s academic progress.
Honor the diversity of cultures and learning styles represented by our students.
Communicate with parents frequently, through notes, emails and/or phone calls.
Appreciate open communication and welcome parent visits.
Schedule parent/teacher conferences to inform parents of student’s progress as well as provide frequent assessment and continuous feedback.
Suggest ways that will help parents to work with their child at home and provide information on how parents can contribute to the class or school.
Principal: ____________________________
Date: ______________________________
As a parent/guardian of a child at ECHS, I pledge to:
Become more engaged with my child’s academic success by checking PSS, Facebook, Twitter, and PTSA eShare.
Make sure my child is at school, on time each day, and with supplies.
Ensure proper rest for my child so that he/she will be successful each day.
Provide daily quiet time in my home for my child to study and I will monitor my child’s homework.
Check with my child for daily information sent home from school that will be useful.
Be the teacher’s partner and celebrate my child’s successes at school.
Attend parent/teacher conferences for my child.
Contribute when I can to my child’s class and/or school.
Parent: ______________________________
Date: ________________________________
As a student at ECHS, I pledge to:
Become more involved in on/off campus activities in order to serve my fellow citizens.
Be at school every day.
Read daily and return my completed homework each day.
Attend tutorials (assigned or not) regularly.
Believe in myself and will accept nothing less than my absolute best.
Ask for help when I don’t understand.
Respect myself and others, even if they are different from me.
Follow school and classroom rules so that my teacher can teach and my peers can learn.
Discuss with my parents what I am learning in school.
I will maintain academic integrity in all of my work.
Student (print): __________________________________
Student (sign): __________________________________
Grade: ______ Date: _______________
This is to inform you that Early College High School is a school-wide Title I, Part A Campus, and as a parent you have the right to be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program. Title I ensures that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title I funds enable schools to employ and train state certified teachers and paraprofessionals, purchase instructional materials, update technology in the classroom, and sponsor parent and family engagement activities. Parents of students in Title I school have a right to request and receive information on the qualifications of their child’s teachers. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Mr. Timothy A. Isaly, Principal at (972) 968- 6260 or